Thursday, April 7, 2011

You can’t fail if you don’t try…

Well that has been my unspoken motto for way too long.  For the last three years, the only risky thing I did was move out and move in with friends, one of which I barely knew at the time.
Why am I so scared to start anything?  Maybe it is my constant fear of rejection. Maybe I am comfortable with living in misery.  Maybe I am scared to know what it is like to succeed.  Well I am can’t live like this anymore.  It is time to try something new.  The way I have been living my life has not been working.
Taking a risk doesn’t nessacarly mean jumping out of the next airplane I see.  Taking a risk means doing something that is out of your comfort zone.  I have a very small peramiter of comfort.  Four walls, no window, just enough room for no fun and no danger.  But today, it is time for me to do something outside the norm.  Today I am going to do something different.  I don’t know what yet, but I am going to take a risk.
I am going to leave my comfort at home, because lets face it, comfort is over rated.  It is time to hit the streets running!

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