Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cheating vs. Giving Up

I had a wonderful weekend with friends in Las Vegas for my roommates birthday.  We drank and ate way too much, but what is life without a little fun here and there.

Stepping on the scale made me cringe, because I can see that I gained back some of the hard work I have been putting in for the last month.  I guess that is the funny thing about a weight loss journey.  You are going to have ups and downs.  You are going to have days and weeks where you can't understand what made all the dieting worth it.  But the thing is, in the long run, it is all worth it.  The fries I ate or the ice cream I had for dinner is always going to be there.  I don't have to eat it like it is going out of style.  I don't need to eat all the crap in the world.

Healthy food tastes just as good.  I am back and focusing on getting back on track.  I will get to where I want to be.  Each day is a new day.  If a battle is lost, that is all it is.  A battle lost.  But I will not give up.  I will except that there will be cheat days.  There will be times where I eat fried food.  But they will not take over my life.  I am not what I eat.  I am not what I weigh.  I am me, a human, and I make mistakes, but it is what I do with those choices that define me.

Never backing down,